Meet your host
Through my USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller Navigating B2B and the years I spent hosting “Navigate B2B”on Freight Waves TV, I have become known as the world’s top thought leader in ocean freight overspend. With over 4 decades of expertise, I believe in the power of creating niches, belief in one's self, bravado and tenacity. I've used these tools to achieve extraordinary outcomes. I'm privileged to share them with you on Ocean Freight TV.
Pervious Episodes
Special Guests

Lars Jensen
Industry Thought Leader

Mark Szakonyi
Executive Editor, JOC, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Eric Johnson
Senior Editor, S&P Global, JOC

Peter Tirschwell
Vice President, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Sarah Barnes-Humphrey
Let's Talk Supply Chain

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